Category: Advertising

OMV Petrom go the whole ten yards

  Eastern energy giants OVM Petrom created a beautifully-lensed spot showing facets of daily Romanian life, as people of all walks – including gymnast Larisa Lordache and ski jumpers Sorin Iulian Pîtea and Remus...

Patrick Dempsey and Porsche to endure together

  Porsche Racing have announced that driver Patrick Dempsey will race in the 2015 FIA World Endurance Championships. The actor has a long-standing history with the brand, last year achieving a proud result at...

Tereza Maxová makes moves for Bohemia Sekt

  Czech top model Tereza Maxová returned as the face (and indeed the legs) of Bohemia Sekt, showing off some serious moves in a relaxed but sensual spot. The spot needed a dark Latin...

Sweetness and light from ČEZ

  Mother does know best in the latest spot from ČEZ, the Czech Republic’s electricity giant. It’s not feminine mystique that lies behind her uncanny intuition, though – she’s just taken advantage of the...

Tidings from T-mobile and Robert Lewandowski

As tinsel time draws near, expats of all stripes begin to plan their Christmas logistics, something Bayern Munich’s Robert Lewandowski no doubt knows can be complicated. Fortunately T-Mobile connects friends and family all over...

Lipton get fresh

  The long summer days might be long gone, but sometimes the most unexpected things can still light up a room. Lipton France came to us with a sweet and sunny spot for their...

Porsche wrap up Fuji with a flourish

  Last week, Porsche secured a proud podium finish after a rough-and-tumble World Endurance Championship 6 Hours of Fuji race. To mark the occasion and honour their host country, they wanted to create a...

Danio head out on the highway

  It’s hard to fully enjoy the open road when hunger pangs strike… Particularly if they happen to take literal hell-raising gremlin form. Fortunately Danio know just the tasty ticket to vanquish the little...

Snow bother for Attensam

  As the season for sensible shoes looms (here we’re hoping to stay in comfortable denial for another month at the very least), Austrian maintenence wizards Attensam have rolled out their winter spots. Anyone...