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Ayoe Angelica 'Hey Mr. Man On Top' remix contest

Price: consideration for release
“You might just as well ask me to take off all my clothes and walk naked down the main street as to read some of the lyrics aloud for you. I’d feel bare and exposed.” (Ayoe Angelica)

Ayoe Angelica's second album 'Dandelion' paints a natural and unpretentious self-portrait of Ayoe Angelica: Strong in awareness of her own vulnerability. Her warm sensuality will entice the listener into a world of quiet pop and multilayered production far away from
the commercial motorway. Standing proud outside the confines of any traditional musical genre, 'Dandelion' creates a lawless space of its own, a space in which one can find one’s inner child and explore the depths of a melodically untamed universe.

'Hey Mr. Man On Top' is one of the most beautiful tracks on the album and Ayoe Angelica and Tracks and Fields invite you to remix this song.
But take a look at this interesting lady and what she wants to tell you:

Music needed for
Not set
10.03.2011 23:00:00 (13 years and 40 weeks ago)
All times and dates will be regarded as UTC.


Kind of Music
Existing song, remixes, Composition or covers
Explicit Lyrics
not allowed


Scripts / Use
0x up to 0 seconds, including 
License term
0 months